MQL5 Free EA – Verification by backtesting 32 “Prop Edge Gold Starter″

MQL5 Free EA

In the “Verification by backtesting" series, we verify the performance of free EAs registered in the MQL5 community from the backtesting results. We hope it will help you choose EA.

* Membership registration (free) is required to download EAs and indicators from the MQL5 community, so let’s create an account by referring to this article!

The 32nd is “Prop Edge Gold Starter“.

About “Prop Edge Gold Starter"

Quote from MQL5 official page

Gold mid-trend scalper with exceptionally conservative risk management to succeed in prop firm environment

  • EA manages risk to respect the allowed absolute DD on aggressive risk option
  • EA tightens the risk to minimize relative DD on conservative risk option
  • EA can use fixed risk option for non-pro


  • This EA will be free to use until 01/09/2023, after which date will be rentable for 1 year for $30 and sold for probably $75
  • This is an EA small accounts, up to 10k starting capital. Equity over 15k is ignored.
  • for accounts between 15k and 50k please consider trying Prop Edge Gold 50
  • for accounts over 50k please consider trying Prop Edge Gold Pro

General EA marketplace advice:

  • Never rent before you demo
  • Never buy before you rent
  • Never use on a prop firm an EA that shows over 5% Max DD unless they let you
  • Never use on a prop firm an EA that shows over 10% Relative DD unless your test period is multiple years long
  • Never trust backtest results with under 100 trades since it is not statistically significant – just test for longer period

Not suitable for:

  • 30, 60 or 90 day challenges
  • brokers where XAUUSD is regularly over 25 point spread
  • Accounts over 12k initial balance (due to scaling capped at 15k equity)
  • Accounts under 20 leverage (due to lack of margin)

This EA is an update of my old MT4 EA, which I had to create when my prop firm announced they would be disabling MT4 down the road in favour of MT5. Since this EA is meant to use on prop firm environment, equity conservation is of higher priority than quick profit at any risk. Risk management is the true edge of this EA.

This EA is meant for those starting their prop firm journey, on small accounts up to 10k starting balance, with one digit max drawdown and not a rushed schedule of 30, 60 or 90 days to hit profit target. For bigger accounts over 15k there is the Prop Edge Gold 50 and over 75k the Prop Edge Gold Pro which works 100% the same way but better due to having more margin and without the equity scaled down to 15k.

Unfortunately most EAs on the market manifest a 10% to 35% max drawdown which is not at all permitted on a prop firm environment. Even most EAs named “Prop" fail due to what prop firms consider a drawdown violation.

This EA generates enough profit to reach profit targets up to 10% in 3 to 6 month without any risk or drawdown violation. It is enough to scale up prop firm accounts two to 3 times per year. If your prop firm requires low relative drawdown, make sure you use the “Conservative" risk option.

Backtest instructions:

Make sure you set account size, leverage and XAUUSD on the tester;

Mandatory Configs: Initial AUM Balance, Profit Target, Stop Out and Risk Option;

I recommend running 2-3 years to make it statistically relevant;

I recommend testing on 10k to 25k account so that the 60k equity scale cap will lower long term test results;

Will work above 60k but will be scaled to 60k, both in backtest and real markt;

Everything else is either optional or I recommend leaving alone;

What is Prop Farm?

Proprietary trading has the meaning of buying and selling on its own account, and a prop farm is a group that makes a living by own trading.

  • Traders don’t manage bank money or hedge fund client money, they only manage money in the company.
  • Traders do not have to pay for trading losses, but can receive a very large reward of 50% to 80% of trading profits, in the form of a so-called full commission.
  • Traders place orders directly with the market, without taking customer orders.

Recommended prop farm

Below are examples of prop farms recommended within the EA description. In order to become a prop trader, the conditions to be cleared differ depending on the program provided by each company. Please check the website of each company for details.

Backtest of “Prop Edge Gold Starter"

  • Account: NZX Zero (ECN) (NOZAX)
  • Currency Pair: XAUUSD#
  • Time frame: H1 (All Minutes)
  • Parameter: Initial value
  • Initial Balance: $10,000
  • Period: 2020.01.01 – 2022.12.31

Features of Prop Edge Gold Starter

This EA is made with prop farm use in mind, so special attention is paid to drawdowns rather than profits and number of trades. It is a day trading type EA with 1 trade 1 position and the position holding time is about 20 hours or less. Although the win rate is not high, the loss is small and the performance is sufficient to clear the program of the prop farm.

Posted by GOMA